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What should I do to ensure a healthy IVF pregnancy?

When you have chosen to go for IVF treatment, the one question we hear more than often is, “ What can I do to improve my chances of successful in vitro fertilization pregnancy’? 

Although nobody can give an accurate answer to these questions as there are certain factors that determine your IVF success rate. However,  there are certain options that can help you improve your chances. 

By following certain fruitful tips, couples going for in vitro fertilization pregnancy can improve their chances of IVF pregnancy. 

Read on to know more
Say no to stress
Though it's natural to have mood swings, stress and tension during your IVF cycles, the excess of it can badly affect your chances of IVF pregnancy. You can improve your odds of successful pregnancy with the use of acupuncture and other stress relieving techniques. 

No OTC medications
It’s better not to take any unprescribed medications or drugs during IVF as it may affect your baby’s health. Always consult your IVF specialist before taking any kind of medications.

Quit smoking
Smoking badly affects sperm and egg quality and it can drastically decrease the success of your IVF cycles. 

Quitting smoking is not an easy task and requires a great deal of personal and professional support. You can take both personal and professional help to quit smoking to enhance the chances of IVF pregnancy.

Maintain healthy weight 
Being underweight or overweight is not good for your pregnancy. Weight issues can affect the outcomes of your IVF cycles. Hence, you should keep your weight in check.

You are advised to eat a healthy diet before and after IVF procedures. Adequate protein intake, multivitamins or checking your calories can help keep a check on your weight.

Do exercises
Exercises are a great way to keep your weight in check and also prepare your body for pregnancy. 

A moderate workout will not only keep your body active but also enhance your chances of successful IVF cycles. It helps release endorphins levels which are good for pregnant women.

Have balanced diet 
The little one in your tummy needs good food, right? It is important for you to include protein, vitamins and carbohydrates in your diet. Also, eating on time and in the right amount is helpful to get adequate nutrition which ultimately helps improve your IVF success rate.

Avoid smoking and vaping 
Smoking and vaping can indeed impact your chances of a successful pregnancy. Continuing to smoke or vape during an IVF cycle can reduce your chances of IVF success.

So it’s better to quit smoking if you want to enhance your chances of successful pregnancy. Because smoking during pregnancy can also be harmful to your baby as they develop and grow.

Take proper sleep 
Certain researches indicate that a woman during her IVF cycle should take at least seven to eight hours of sleep. It’s when repair takes place throughout the body, amongst other processes and can ultimately contribute to a healthy pregnancy. 

Taking these tips into consideration can actually improve your chances of a successful IVF pregnancy. To know more about IVF treatment, consult the best IVF center in Jalandhar. Our team of IVF specialists will offer you the most effective IVF treatment in Jalandhar to help you become a parent.


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