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Male Infertility - all you need to know about infertility

Male Infertility

Male Infertility

Infertility, a term which has been long associated with woman only, has now under better scope of evaluation, investigations and under wider perspective has brought males also in the picture. Male infertility which has always been under diagnosed in previous years, is now showing an increasing trend and has reached up to 4006 of the infertility cases. This increase is partly apparent- due to better scope of evaluation and partly real- due to many factors such as-
  • Change in lifestyle and dietary habits
  • Stress of modern society 
  • Frequent exposure to electromagnetic field by increasing use of mobile. laptop etc/exposure to pollution because of various conditions  
  • Use of pesticides, synthetic dyes, xenoestrogens in food items 
Evaluation of a male in an infertile couple includes:
  • History 
  • Physical examination 
  • Specific focused investigations 
A detailed history either from the male partner or from his parents may directly or indirectly indicate most of the causes of his sub-fertility. A variety of information may be elicited only through history like information about childhood illness, abnormalities and treatment performed, ill-story of current or past illness like cancer, tuberculosis, mumps. STDs. recent acute viral fever, diabetes, drug abuse etc.
History about modern life style like sauna bath. Hot bath. long distance cycling as they can cause scrotal hypothermia or trauma resulting in spermatozoa abnormalities.

You may also love to read "Symptoms of Women Infertility"

Management of an azoospermic male is planned depending on the FSH level and testicular size 
  • Testis small or nearly normal, high FSH- (Testicularfailure)
  • Testis size small or nearly normal, low FSH- (hypogonadotrophic /hypergonadotrophic)
  • Testis size normal, FSl-l normal-(Absence of vas deferens)
Retrograde ejaculation: 
A urine sample immediately following an ejaculation may be centrifuged while maintaining an optimum ph for sperms and the isolated sperm can be used by lUI. in more severe cases, in-vitro fertilization with ICSl may be used.

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IVF Center in Jalandhar - Vardaan Hospital

Vardaan Hospital is the best IVF Center in Jalandhar, offering expert obstetrical Care in Jalandhar by the renowned Child Specialist doctor in Jalandhar. We have some of the expert Pediatric specialists in Jalandhar who have worked in the renowned organisation of healthcare industries. At Vardaan Medical Center many people has trasnformed their dream of being parents into reality with the help of IVF Treatment in Jalandhar.

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