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Showing posts from July, 2020

6 Factors that Determine IVF Success Rate

Parenthood is the most rewarding transition in one’s life. But, some couples often suffer from having a baby and fail to experience the blissful journey of pregnancy. With the ever-growing pace of life and ongoing stress, the couples face problems in conceiving pregnancy and end up being infertile. Anyone or both the partners can be tested infertile, either can be the case. Also, there can be additional reasons that are preventing pregnancy. Factors determining the success of IVF Lending you a handful of help to get all the details related to the success factors of  IVF treatment ,  we have jotted down some but the most critical factors that will help you make informed and timely decisions Use of Donor Eggs If you fall in the age group of 35–40, then using the donor eggs can do miracles for you. However, the  success rates of IVF,  in this case, depend on the age of the donor and the quality of eggs. So, using the eggs of a younger female tends to...

What are the causes of female infertility?

Getting pregnant and carrying a baby are very challenging and complicated processes. Many things happen wrongly during these procedures to  lead to infertility  Infertility occurs from female factors about one-third of the time, and it can be challenging to diagnose. There are various available treatments, which entirely depends on the cause of infertility. Many infertile couples will go on to get pregnant without having any treatment. After putting efforts for two years, about 95 per cent of couples successfully conceive. But several things can keep you away from getting pregnant: Some factors can disturb the procedure of pregnancy.  Female infertility  is caused by one or more of the factors below:- Damage to fallopian tubes Failure to ovulate Problems in the menstrual cycle Structural problems of the reproductive system Infections Failure of an egg to mature properly When to see a doctor Your  IVF Specialist  will start the treatme...

What are the causes of male infertility - Vardaan Medical Centre

Having a child is simply an extraordinary and natural feeling. However, for some couples, it can be very tough to have a child. As a male, your fertility typically depends on the quantity and quality of your sperm. If you have a low number of sperms or a poor quality sperm, it will be challenging, and in some cases impossible, to conceive a child If you’ve been trying to conceive without success for more than a year, and you’ve been having intercourse at least two times a week, it’s essential to visit a doctor. If you’re aware of factors that could affect your chances of getting pregnant it’s a great idea to consult a consultant earlier on. The couple should be tested for reproductive issues immediately Infertility is a very common issue. For about 20% of infertile couples, the issue is only in the man. For about 30% of couples, infertility is present in both male and female. Therefore, male infertility is present in around half of all cases. Approximately one in 20 men have l...

8 frequently asked question about IVF treatment

Parenthood is the most rewarding transition in one’s life. But, some couples are suffering  due to infertility problems   and fail to experience this beautiful gift known as pregnancy. With the world embracing modern technology, fertility specialists are accomplishing the wish of couples to get pregnant. One such modern technology which has emerged as a flourishing technique curbing infertility is known as in-vitro fertilization(IVF) Though the process has been proven to be successful for people around the globe, yet the procedure is a mystery for many. To unveil the details of the procedure, couples often speculate around to get their answers. Answering the common questions related to the IVF treatment, this post will clear all your doubts and help you make an informed decision. What restrictions are imposed while undergoing IVF? Doctors often impose restrictions on both the partners undergoing the   IVF treatment  for getting better and faster results of ...